Best Buy - Grills Experience
Best Buy as a business has been venturing into the Outdoor Living realm and one of the first big categories we brought into our stores was grills. Grills live in this intersection between Outdoor Living and Appliances, and while we wanted them to live near the appliances in store, we felt they should stand out and allow you to feel as if you’re grilling yourself.
We created a simple space that would showcase a variety of grill types (smoker, gas, charcoal) but still had a feel of backyard. The design also allows for space for our vendor partners to give you a little taste of their own branding.
One end of these 16 foot long spaces is set up for accessory merchandising. On each brands side, there is space for them to sell their own accessories. And our endcap is a space where Best Buy can showcase a variety of accessories, related to grills for now, but with the possibility for more outdoor cooking ventures.